Portable Calibration Furnace
Temperature Range: 150°C to 1200°C
Cools from 1200°C to 800°C: in 50 minutes*
1200°C to 200°C: in 180 minutes*
Heating Rate: 25°C/minute
Calibration volume: 33.5mm diameter by 130mm deep
Standard Insert: 4 pockets, 8.0mm diameter by 80mm deep
Indicator units: °C, °F, K
Computer Interface: Included with Software
Voltage: 100 to 120V (50 / 60 Hz) or 200 to 240V (50 / 60 Hz)
Power: 800 Watts
Dry Block Calibrator
Wide operating range to 660°C
Fast Response
Calibrate Whole Measurement Loop
The Jupiter Dry Block range offers industry-leading performance in an easy to use portable package ideal for the calibration of thermocouples and platinum resistance thermometers. It has been designed for fast heating and cooling for convenient field use. For flexibility surface sensor and infrared thermometer accessories can be added.
ISOCAL – 6 Range
Multi Function: Six Modes including Dry Block
and Liquid Bath
Fast Response 35mm x 160mm Calibration Volume
Calibrate Whole Measurement Loop
These models will calibrate temperature probes from -45°C to 250°C with unrivalled flexibility. As a traditional Dry Block, several thermometers can be quickly calibrated.
Dry Block Calibrator
Temperature Range: 35°C to 650°C
Computer Interface: Included with Software
Cools from 650°C to 150°C: in 60 minutes
Heats from 30°C to 650°C :in 20 minutes
Calibration volume: 35mm diameter by 148mm deep
Standard Insert: 6 pockets, 2 x 4.5mm, 2 x 6.4mm, 1 x 8.0mm, 1 x 9.5mm diameter, all 140mm deep
Display Resolution: 0.01 to 99.99 0.1 100.0 to 650.0
Indicator units: °C, °F, K
Power: 100 to 120V (50 / 60 Hz) or 200 to 240V (50 / 60 Hz) 1000 Watts