PT Lautan Instrumindo Kontromatic have been participate big scale exhibition at Indonesia which is held on 14-17 September 2022 at Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran.
This event marketing activity is the main focus is to promote our PR Electronics and AS Schneider products and to inform customer our company as the Sole Agent for Indonesia.
We have been put several product demo unit at our booth to make interactive for our customers. So they get more detail about our products line and also customers have opportunity to experience directly to get know more from the product demo units.
This event have been successful since the client have been visit to our booth majority have very good interest about our products, also some time they share about the problem have facing in their plant.
With our team effort most of the clients questions we can give direct answer and some lead to next appointment visit to their factory for further survey the problem investigation.
This activity we got supported from our principle such as Mr. Zulfan Syahputra as AS Schneider Pte Ltd Regional Sales Manager Asia Pacific, Mr Sunny Cheng as Director Rueger Singapore Pte Ltd and Mr. Yunos Ramli as Regional Sales Manager Engtek Pte Ltd.